After The Election I'm Finally Taking A Little Time Off...
Win or lose for Obama, my doctors have won and I'm going to take a few weeks off after the election. The C&L Team have done a wonderful job during
Win or lose for Obama, my doctors have won and I'm going to take a few weeks off after the election. The C&L Team have done a wonderful job during this wild time. C&L's traffic---which has always been great, has skyrocketed and that's a tribute to the dedication of the people helping me out and the readership that comes to play everyday. From the site monitors to the posters to the video team, guest bloggers and emailers. My hat is off to you. I really do have to take some time to heal the nerve damage that has plagued me for a long time.
We're up to 2 am every night trying to keep it going and then back it at the crack of dawn. I got to tell you, the mornings are rough for me, but who really cares? We all have our own problems to deal with. I'm just filling you guys in so you know what's up when I take a break. The site will motor on... I wonder if I can really unplug. I mean, really. Nicole yells at me all the time to take a break. (And I had to make a visit to the dentist today. Two teeth
Hopefully the new C&L site will be up and running by next week and as we know---it's crunch time.