Cuckoo Republican Compares Kathleen Sibelius To North Korea

Republican lawmakers like Shimkus just can't seem to let go of the Obamacare vendetta, even when they look like fools.

This exchange between Rep. Jim Shimkus and Kathleen Sibelius in yet another hearing on the Affordable Care Act today is striking, not for its content but for the desperation Shimkus shows. He knows the jihad on the Affordable Care Act has failed, and repeal is something that isn't going to happen, so he reaches for what he can, like an attack on preventive care services mandated under the law.

Protip, Rep. Shimkus: Trying to compare Kathleen Sibelius to a hostile foreign power works better when you actually know the name of that hostile foreign power:

The comment came during an exchange about the effect of preventive services on health care premiums under the Affordable Care Act. Sebelius disputed Rep. John Shimkus’ (R-IL) claim that offering prevention benefits without cost sharing would increase beneficiaries’ health care expenses. “There is no free lunch, Madam Secretary!,” Shimkus charged. “When you mandate coverage, it is rolled directly on premiums, premiums increase, that is paying for these services!” Sebelius responded by arguing that investing in prevention could decrease costs down the road.

Shimkus grew visibly agitated by her explanation and tried to compare Sebelius to the leaders of North Korea. But rather than referencing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Shimkus likened the Secretary to the “Republic of Korea” or South Korea, America’s ally in the region. “Alright, I got it. We’re just going to agree to disagree. It’s like talking to the Republic of Korea or something,” he said.

It would also be awesome if Shimkus knew anything about health policy, or paid attention to statistics that prove beyond all doubt that preventive services and screenings SAVE money because early detection makes diseases easier to treat.

Is there a better example of how desperate and crazed they've become?

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