Will Bill O'Reilly Attack Fox News Over 'Happy Holidays' Greeting?

Bill O'Reilly has been touting his annual 'War on Christmas' theme this month and attacking any person store or company that says "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. Meanwhile, his own employer uses the hated "Happy Holidays" greeting during O'Reilly's own show.

For many years now as the Christmas holiday comes upon us, Bill O'Reilly has helped create a fictitious war between the left and Christians, called the War on Christmas. In early December, he took to the airwaves and proclaimed he would be protecting the baby Jesus from the heavens once more. Jon Stewart has done a good job of mocking the Fox News host along with his cohorts at Fox and points out their stupidity with good humor.

Bill really takes his "wag the dog" Christmas war very seriously and told Bernie Goldberg that he won the war outright last night.

All of those things happened because we – we! – attacked them! We challenged them! So, therefore, it isn’t a mythical war on Christmas. It’s real and we just won!…What would have happened …if I hadn’t taken this on and we hadn’t challenged the stores and we hadn’t challenged the ACLU? We wouldn’t have a “Merry Christmas” greeting any more. Not in the commerce. It wouldn’t be there.

A big problem for Bill O'Reilly is that corporations, companies and cities a like that substitute "happy holidays" for Merry Christmas" drives him nuts. He feels that America is a Christian nation and Jesus should get his props from everybody and if you say "happy holidays" you're selling out the Lord and helping to destroy Christmas itself. So I was shocked that while I watched The Factor Tuesday night, Bill went into a commercial break, and Fox News took out a quick promotion spot wishing all of Bill O'Reilly's viewers a "Happy Holidays."


(Here's the image I uploaded from his broadcast.)

Well Bill, what do you have to say for yourself? Your own corporation actively supports your phony war on Christmas routine, but when it comes time to put up or shut up. they went with "Happy Holidays." Either you're a liar or they're liars. Or you're both liars.

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