Fox News' War On Women In One Photo
This photo tells you all you need to know about Fox News, Fox News viewers, and their take on the war on women.
Really, is there much to say beyond this?
Let's review today's comments:
Allen West: 'The Left Tries To Win The Women's Vote By Talking From The Waist Down'
Bryan Fischer, American Family Association: Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused
ThinkProgress: House is advancing HR 7, the bill that would force the IRS to decide who is a rape victim.
Caffeinated Thoughts: RNC resolves not to support strategy of candidates who won't speak out against abortion.
Finally, the constant reference to Wendy Davis as "Abortion Barbie" has emerged as a party-wide talking point. It's not just Erick Erickson. This landed in my email box this morning from Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips:
Abortion Barbie had a very bad week.
Wendy Davis is known to many conservatives as Abortion Barbie. She is a Democrat State Senator in Texas and is running for Governor.
Those are only a few tidbits. 2014 will be the Year of Male Oppression, if Republicans have their way, but that photo is all you need to see to know they're destined to fail.