Glenn Beck: 'We Get Our Laws From The Laws Of Moses'
Glenn Beck went on one of his patented religious rants, decrying Obamacare subsidies as being "immoral," but then he veered off into crazy town with his 'Moses created all our laws' routine.
Glenn Beck was on one of his usual anti-Obamacare rants on his radio show yesterday. (He's even grown a scary white beard for all of his adoring fans. I bet he thinks it makes him look a bit more holier and angelic, but it only makes makes him appear even creepy than he already is.) And as usual, his words matched his look when he went off into a patented Judeo-Christian values skit where "Moses created all our laws" you heathens and long live the Ten Commandments monument!!!.
On his radio broadcast today, Glenn Beck spent a segment complaining about government-provided subsidies to purchase health insurance under Obamacare, declaring that such subsidies are nothing more than theft and are therefore fundamentally immoral.
Somehow, the immorality of these subsidies prompted Beck to start railing against the effort by a group of Satanists to place a monument outside the state capitol in Oklahoma, declaring that it is okay a monument of the Ten Commandments to be placed on government grounds because that is where we get our laws.
"I'm sorry, but we are a Christian-Judeo nation," Beck said. "We are based on Judeo-Christian values. That is not a religion, that is just how we put our laws together. So putting the Ten Commandments up is just a monument of where we got our laws."
Declaring that a Satanic monument has no right to be placed on government grounds because "we don't get our laws from Satan ..we get our laws from the laws of Moses."
"It's truly insanity."
When a man like Beck finds religion and then has a megaphone to boot, he needs to make you think he knows what he's talking about. So he pontificates ad nauseum on his preferred religion.
You know who he reminds me of? Elmer Gantry, although Burt Lancaster didn't have a white beard.