RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Tells The GOP To Tone Down The Rhetoric

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus gave a speech at the RNC winter meeting in Washington and delivered a message to the GOP that I dare say they'll never be able to hear.

Many Republicans are upset with Mike Huckabee's speech on ladies private parts and their libido, and rightly so. Nicole Wallace, the former Bush communications chief, told the Morning Joe crew that Huckabee shouldn't be focusing on a woman's libido at all.

Wallace: Republican men, they should not talk about, scrap the word libido from their staff.

This isn't the end of the fall out from Huckster's idiotic words as he isn't backing down over what he said. With candidates like Todd (Legitimate Rape) Akin and Richard Mourdock (Conception Via Rape Is God's Will) defining how most of the GOP feels about women's rights, it's not surprising to see RNC Chairman Reince Priebus bring this up in his speech today.

A day after Mike Huckabee’s controversial comments about women’s libidos, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus implored Republicans to improve their “tone.”

“I’ve said many times before that the policies and principles of our party are sound,” Priebus said in a Friday speech at the RNC winter meeting in Washington. “However, as we look to grow the ranks of our party, we must all be very conscious of the tone and choice of words we use to communicate those policies effectively.”

That's easier said than done, and let's face it, many in the GOP love to say horrible and controversial things about women, Democrats, Liberals and President Obama because it gets them a lot of attention in the press and they raise money off it in their very safe redistricted districts.

Also, Priebus and his cronies gave near-unanimous approval Friday to a package of rules changes that would condense the 2016 presidential nominating calendar and help the party avoid the kind of protracted party infighting that dented GOP nominee Mitt Romney's general election appeal in 2012. The changes dovetail with the party's desire to move the convention from late summer to a June window, which would make the next Republican National Convention the earliest convention in either party since 1948. The RNC has announced its support for the June move but will formally vote on the change at a later date.

The Tea Party folks are upset by this rule change because they know this process favors the very rich in the GOP. This shows how worried the GOP is about the state of the Republicans. Reince's message would probably be taken more seriously if he didn't have a history of saying batshit crazy things himself.

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