Stupid Right-Wing Media Tweets: #SOTU Edition

So much insanity, so little time. Just a taste of the conservative reaction to President Obama's State of the Union address.

Stupid Right-Wing Media Tweets: #SOTU Edition

Behold conservatives in unfiltered glory.

Fox News commentator Monica Crowley. Be sure to read the responses.

Can David Gregory go for an hour without being an apologist for Republicans? No.

And this:

FreedomWorks, sponsors of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck:

For Republicans, it always comes back to sex:

The fabulously earthy Dana Loesch, late of and now working for Glenn Beck over at The Blaze:

Creepy Erick Erickson, who is now completely obsessed with Wendy Davis:

One from Mr. Nixon in Cowboy Boots:

And I had to include this one, even though it's not a SRWT, because damn, the image says everything about how Republicans think of us:

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