Stupid Right-Wing Media Tweets: #SOTU Edition
So much insanity, so little time. Just a taste of the conservative reaction to President Obama's State of the Union address.

Behold conservatives in unfiltered glory.
Fox News commentator Monica Crowley. Be sure to read the responses.
The Skinny Socialist is about to speak. #HELP
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) January 29, 2014
Can David Gregory go for an hour without being an apologist for Republicans? No.
Speaker Boehner says he works to avoid facial reactions during SOTU
— David Gregory (@davidgregory) January 29, 2014
And this:
Actually GOP would like to re fight battle over health care, but concede might need to wait until 2017
— David Gregory (@davidgregory) January 29, 2014
FreedomWorks, sponsors of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck:
. @BarackObama just told congress he will work around them when necessary. They cheered. #OnlyinWashington #SOTU
— FreedomWorks (@FreedomWorks) January 29, 2014
For Republicans, it always comes back to sex:
no build in POTUS speech tonight. just loud. sometimes men in weak position use loudness to feign strength. #cnn #sotu
— Alex Castellanos (@alexcast) January 29, 2014
The fabulously earthy Dana Loesch, late of and now working for Glenn Beck over at The Blaze:
Oh dear. Cathy McMorris Rodgers sat on a settee instead of a birth control pill for her remarks. #TheBlazeSOTU
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 29, 2014
Creepy Erick Erickson, who is now completely obsessed with Wendy Davis:
While everyone else is watching the President, @WendyDavisTexas is in full hysterics on twitter over people being not nice to her.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) January 29, 2014
One from Mr. Nixon in Cowboy Boots:
“President Obama meets every definition of an imperial presidency. He is the president [Nixon] always wanted to be.”
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 28, 2014
And I had to include this one, even though it's not a SRWT, because damn, the image says everything about how Republicans think of us:
How do you not clap for the idea of allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get health care?
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) January 29, 2014