Wendy Davis' Daughters Strike Back At GOP Smear Machine

After a week of relentless, sexist smears, Wendy Davis' daughters have had enough.

Don't you love how Republicans claim they're all about the children until it's inconvenient? They're so valiant, standing for those poor persecuted imaginary 'children' lost forever to abortions.

But when the kids are actual flesh and blood, they don't give a damn. If they did, they'd limit their attacks on Wendy Davis to her policies instead of going after her personally for her history and making specious claims that she abandoned her children to go to school.

Her daughters have had enough and are speaking out. PoliticusUSA has the full text of their letters. First, Dru:

My name is Dru Davis and I am Wendy Davis’s daughter. I hate that I feel the need to write this, but I have been reading and hearing so many untrue things about my mom and I want to set the record straight. And sadly I feel the need to be crystal clear on the malicious and false charge of abandonment as nothing could be further from the truth. My mom has always shared equally in the care and custody of my sister and me.


I love that my mom went to law school and was dedicated to both her work and us. Watching her work so hard to achieve something great has been one of the most important lessons in my life. To this day, I watch my mom greeted and hugged by people who love her and are thankful for things she has done for them. I am proud of her for that. Both of my parents made sacrifices to make education happen for all of us, my sister and me included. And both of them have been great role models for what it means to care about people in the world.


I have recently heard the phrase “abandoned” quite often in the past week. That our mother “left us to be raised by our father” while she went on to pursue her education. Not only is this ridiculously unfair; it’s completely untrue. Dru and I have always been her number one priority. Always. And every decision our parents made was with our best interests at heart. We had an amazing support system while she was at Harvard and she was constantly traveling back and forth from school to be with us. I’m proud that my parents were able to make this arrangement work. People should be less concerned about who paid for what and pay more attention to the fact that she was accepted to Harvard law school, a dream she believed was unachievable.

People have come to know Wendy Davis the politician. But I want people to relate to Wendy Davis, my mother. I have a bond with my mother that is unlike any other. Even as a 31 year old adult, I will forever be referred to as her “Punky Brewster.” She is my best friend – the one I can confide in without judgment. I look up to her and rely on her for guidance and support, even to this very day. She is my rock and has always been a role model in my life.

Shame on the cynical politicians who use people's triumphs as weapons not only against them, but their children. Neither one of her daughters should have felt the need to write these letters, but when Republicans feel threatened politically, they lash out personally and no target escapes them.

Attacking a person for policies they support is fair game. Lying to the public about their past and making accusations of abandonment is the province of GOP liars and cheats, but it won't win this election for them.

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