Winger Photoshop Fun: Put Obama's Head On Stalin's Body

Just when you think the extremists have reached their lowest low, they dig a little deeper.

Winger Photoshop Fun: Put Obama's Head On Stalin's Body

Proving that they can plumb deeper and more paranoid depths than we could imagine on our own, here is what someone associated with (but not an official of) the Michigan chapter of the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity thought would be a great visual to use with an invitation to a State of the Union watch party.

Americans for Prosperity did not create the ad, but it was circulated among their members as an invitation to one of their official watch parties.


In Michigan, an ad for an Americans for Prosperity watch party for the State of the Union is going as far as it can with the conservative claim that President Barack Obama is a communist.

An advertisement (pictured above) for a State of the Union watch party in Michigan sponsored by AFP features Obama with the Kremlin in the background. The ad reads "Thank You, Comrade Obama: for Saving the Children from the menace of guns, family, liberty, work, and other outdated values."

The ad seems to be a play off of an communist advertisement featuring Joseph Stalin.

The ad includes a link to, a website trying to poke fun at "progressive liberals."

The image was taken down later on Monday. A spokesman for Americans for Prosperity in Michigan said the image was not created by someone at the group.

I'm sure it wasn't created by them, but I'm guessing they enjoyed it until someone called them out on it.

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