Yes, Greta, Erick Erickson Is As Creepy As You Think He Is

Erick Erickson's demonization of Wendy Davis is creepy and disgusting. We're only surprised Greta Van Susteren didn't notice sooner.

Yes, Greta, Erick Erickson Is As Creepy As You Think He Is

The spat between Erick Erickson and Greta Van Susteren is a perfect example of blind Republican male stupidity.

Erickson's favorite perjorative epithet for Texas state senator Wendy Davis is "Abortion Barbie." He sees nothing at all the matter with calling her that. Greta, on the other hand, called him a 'creepy jerk' for describing Davis thus.

Greta, did you miss the time Erickson called Supreme Court Justice Souter a "goat-f&cking child molester?" By comparison, his characterization of Davis is relatively mild, but still odious and creepy.

Greta's criticism yesterday sparked a predictable, if creepy and graphic, response from Erickson:

Wendy Davis believes it is perfectly acceptable to crack open a child’s skull, inject her cranium with saline, vacuum out her brains, then tear her limb from limb unstitching her from her mother’s womb even though a minute, an hour, a day, a week, or a month later she could survive outside the womb. Wendy Davis has staked her career on the right to chop a child to bits, no matter how viable the child is. The media prefers to ignore that to which Wendy Davis staked her career. They’d prefer to focus on her, as Vogue described her, “Barbie looks” and pink sneakers.

Erickson goes on to rant about how he wants to define Wendy Davis:

I have helped define Wendy Davis by a moniker that sticks, describes, and makes her the butt of jokes, while drawing out the shrill hysterics of her supporters. And there’d be more supporters of hers except for her and her supporters declaring open season on people under 40 weeks of age.

Oh, the shrill hysteria of white pompous men. Is there any better example than this?

How's that whole re-branding thing going, Republicans? Do you think women are impressed by a bully's effort to make a woman the butt of jokes and violent responses by other white men who are outraged that women don't want to carry their spawn?

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