Allen West Says Government Safety Nets Create An 'Economic Dependency Plantation'

Allen West didn't last too long as a Congressman, but Fox News quickly gobbled him up to sprout as many ludicrous and angry ideas as possible.

Fox News has a habit of hiring conservative minorities ( like Malkin and Jesse Lee Peterson) to go on the air and say as many racist and despicable things as they can because what better way to attack African Americans? Allen West fits into that category nicely and does he ever fill the bill for Fox News! In January, West wrote a scathing post in which he called President Obama and Eric Holder "the most vile and disgusting racists."

new federal guidelines aimed to prevent discriminatory disciplinary policies in schools as "racial preference policies" perpetuated by the Obama administration. In his post, West attributed self-proclaimed high school violence rates among black students to "the decimation of the black family," and gave the following message to "white Americans" (emphasis added):

This is my clear and succinct message to white Americans. How long will it be before "you people" realize you have elevated someone to the office of president who abjectly despises you -- not to mention his henchman Holder. Combined they are the most vile and disgusting racists -- not you.

West was on with Greta and discussed poverty in black communities. His usual rap is to attack social safety net programs that help minorities survive, but to him it all leads back to plantations.

West: ...and really what you're creating in the inner city, I know people are going to go apoplectic when I say this, it's an economic dependency plantation which has been created in the inner cities. I mean I see it when I go back to my old neighborhood in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia...

Allen, if you know people are going to hate the analogy that you make, then why make it? Because it's offensive in every sense of the word and he loves being offensive. Comparing anything to slavery is gross and disgusting to the core.

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