Emails Reveal Scott Walker's Personal Clown Car

A cache of nearly 30,000 emails shows the extent to which aides campaigned for Scott Walker on the taxpayers' dime.

Emails Reveal Scott Walker's Personal Clown Car

A Wisconsin judge has released nearly 30,000 emails obtained as part of the ongoing 2010 John Doe investigation of Governor Scott Walker and his aides in connection with fundraising and campaign activities conducted while he was serving as the Milwaukee County Executive.

The trove is huge and mind-numbing to read, but JS Online has a high-level overview:

Included in more than 27,000 pages of emails and other documents unsealed Wednesday are the closest links yet between Gov. Scott Walker and a secret email system used in his office when he was Milwaukee County executive.

"Consider yourself now in the 'inner circle,'" Walker's administration director, Cynthia Archer, wrote to Walker aide Kelly Rindfleisch just after the two exchanged a test message.

"I use this private account quite a bit to communicate with SKW and Nardelli. You should be sure you check it throughout the day," she wrote, referring to Walker by his initials and to Walker's then-chief of staff, Tom Nardelli.

Court documents have previously showed Walker's aides set up a secret wireless router in the county executive's office and traded emails that mixed county and campaign business on Gmail and Yahoo accounts. The email from Archer made public Wednesday is the closest link yet between that system and Walker.

The exchange was included in the raft of documents unsealed Wednesday as part of Rindfleisch's appeal of her 2012 conviction of misconduct in office for doing campaign work on county time.

But there's so much more in there. Like Reince Preibus selling out Mark Neumann, the Republican candidate running against Scott Walker in the primary, for example. On July 1, 2010, Reince leaked this directly to Scott Walker, who immediately pounced on it:


Other emails are just downright offensive but entirely expected from the likes of these down-and-dirty Republicans.

In April 2010, Michael Best & Friedrich paralegal Kelly Teelin sent Rindfleisch a photo of four dogs and a joke about someone whose dogs qualified for welfare because they are "mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddys are."

Rindfleisch wrote back: "That is hilarious. And so true."

In another email, sent in July 2010, Nardelli forwarded Rindfleisch and others a joke about someone who has a nightmare about turning into a black, Jewish, disabled gay man. "Oh God, please don't tell me I'm a Democrat," the email concludes.

And there is of course the inevitable ACORN reference sent to Rindfleisch and others by Thomas Nardelli, Scott Walker's Chief of Staff at the time:

Nice, eh? What a bunch of wankers these people are.

If nothing else, this trove of emails offers a look inside Scott Walker's administration and the way they approached everything. Hint: They were high-handed, arrogant, and lacked any shame about what they did, including the time spent on the taxpayers' dime to get Scott Walker elected.

As my friend Capper -- the best Wisconsin blogger ever -- says, there will be more. There's always more.

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