Gov. Chris Christie Tries To Intimidate Hoboken Mayor

Chris Christie's high powered team of lawyers have requested a private interview with Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer to question her allegations against him. Who does this smell like to you?

In move that appears to be motivated by intimation, Gov. Christie's team of lawyers have requested documents and a solo interview with Dawn Zimmer after she already discussed the case with federal prosecutors.

A legal team representing Gov. Chris Christie's (R) office recently requested documents from and a private interview with the mayor of Hoboken, N.J., who has made serious allegations about members of Christie's administration.

The Bergen Record reported Sunday on the requests, after obtaining letters recently sent to Democratic Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer and four other city officials. In the letters, an attorney representing Christie's office wrote that Zimmer's allegations are being taken “very seriously.”

Zimmer later met with federal prosecutors, and turned over documents to support her claims. (Christie's administration has denied Zimmer's allegations.) According to the Record, Zimmer's attorney on Thursday rebuffed the request for an interview from the governor's office, citing the federal investigation into the matter.

“We question whether it is appropriate for the Governor’s Office, in essence, to be investigating itself, particularly when an investigation of the same subject matter is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office,” Zimmer’s attorney wrote back.

Christie's office recently retained a high-priced defense attorney to represent it in the Hoboken matter, as well as in the investigations of the George Washington Bridge lane closures. The lawyer, Randy Mastro, wrote in his letter to Hoboken officials that he had put together a team of “five former federal prosecutors” to look into Zimmer’s claims, according to the Record.

So Christie has sicced his dog pound team of former prosecuting lawyers on Dawn Zimmer to obviously shake her up and de-legitimize her testimony against the NJ governor. Why does he need five henchmen to do his dirty work? Why would Dawn Zimmer ever allow herself to be attacked by Christie's dog pound of prosecutors without being forced to? This is a clear attempt at intimidation and to show all others that have information about the Bridgegate scandal that his team is ready to rip them apart.

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