Huckabee Hosts Tea Party Lawyer, Who Issues List Of Demands To IRS
Mike Huckabee and Cleta Mitchell put their heads together to issue a list of demands that would end their crusade against the IRS.
Cleta Mitchell is the go-to lawyer for the "aggrieved" Tea Party groups. She represents True the Vote, the Tea Party Patriots, and more.
Mitchell is also committed to getting nonprofit approval for these groups in time for the midterms, despite the fact that every single one of them do absolutely nothing BUT engage in partisan political activity on a daily basis. These groups are the core of Republicans' strategy to fund political ads and activity at taxpayer expense.
But mostly, Mitchell is engaged in a game of "work the refs" to get the groups approved and maybe hide disclosure of who funds them. From her Congressional testimony last week:
She continued, "the Department of Justice refuses to investigate who it was that was responsible for releasing confidential tax information of Koch Industries to the president's Economic Advisor who in turn , released it to the press."
"Or who released the National Organization of Marriage's tax return? I represent NOM - we sued the IRS to try to get to the bottom of why our confidential tax information was made available to our political opponents. Where's the FBI in investigating?....That is a criminal offense!"
"It is a criminal offense also for the IRS to release the confidential donors of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Republican governor's Public Policy Council."
Enter Mike Huckabee, gallant man that he is. On his show this weekend, he asked Mitchell what it would take to make the IRS scandal go away. Her list of demands is predictable:
- Get the IRS out of the process altogether - In other words, let billionaires use taxpayers' money to fund their political aspirations
- No government approval for non-profit status
- Political contribution information should never trigger audits
- No disclosure of donors to the IRS ever
Because it isn't enough to spend unlimited dollars on political campaigns. Now they want the rest of us to pay for it.