Nugent Apologizes To Cruz And Abbot For Muddying Them With Epithets

Ted Nugent statement is meant to sweep up the dirt he tossed on Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot, but he isn't a bit sorry.

Ted Nugent apologized for calling President Obama a sub-human mongrel. At least, that's what Wolf Blitzer tells us he did, but when I listened, I heard no apology at all.

When asked directly about whether he would apologize to the President for his comments, Nugent replied "I do apologize -- not necessarily to the President -- but on behalf of much better men than myself."

Those "much better men" are Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot, who distanced themselves (not really) from Nugent's remarks. Even taking his usual incoherence into account, this doesn't resemble anything close to an apology, particularly when he followed the first statement up with a contrite admission that the apology was "for using the streetfighter terminology of 'subhuman mongrel' instead of just using more understandable language, such as 'violator of his oath to the Constitution'."

Yes, we are on the Texas playground for gun nuts and overgrown children. If I were Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot, I'd be more concerned about being seen in public with a man with a penchant for underaged girls.

But hey. Liberty.

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