Rush Limbaugh: Jan Brewer Is Being Bullied By Homosexual Lobby
Actually, Rush, big businesses really don't like the new law and want Brewer to veto it.
Here's a funny coming from Rush Limbaugh on the outrage that has been caused in Arizona over their anti-gay, "Sharia Law" bill that was passed.
Limbaugh: We know by now that the left doesn't accept any laws that they don't like.
How have the right accepted the ACA? You know, Obamacare? That was passed by the U.S. Congress, signed by the president and upheld by the Supreme Court. The House Republicans have voted about 40 times to dismantle the health care law up till now.
ThinkProgress has calculated that the current Republican Conference in the House of Representatives has collectively voted to repeal or defund President Obama’s signature legislative accomplishment 7,386 times.
That Rush, what a kidder.
Rush continues:
...But do you notice how bullying is a good thing? The Governor of Arizona is being bullied by the homosexual lobby in Arizona and elsewhere. She's being bullied by the nation wide drive by media. She's being bullied by certain elements of corporate America in order to advance the gay agenda.
I don't think the NFL has a gay agenda, do you?
Here's a few more big businesses and GOP senators that are sounding off against SB1062.
Apple Warns Arizona Governor Anti-Gay Bill Will Hurt Highly Anticipated Sapphire Glass Factory
Intel, Yelp Join Companies Urging Arizona Governor To Veto Anti-LGBT Bill
3 GOP senators who voted for SB 1062 asking Brewer to veto bill
From what I'm hearing all the local right wing talkers want Jan Brewer to veto the law, but national talkers like Limbaugh want her to stand her ground. As usual, Arizona has created a major mess.