Sen. Roy Blunt Suggests Obamacare Is Making People Lazy

In a new twist on attacking Obamacare by Republicans, Senator Roy Blunt suggested that Obamacare is incentivizing laziness.

Republicans/conservatives have been attacking Obamacare from all sides with little respect for the truth, such as the recently discredited claim that Obamacare will kill jobs. Oh, whatever will Republicans do now? I know, just make up a new insane piece of sh*t reason why Obamacare most be stopped. You know, something that's tied into the bible and the seven deadly sins. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Enter Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri on Fox News Sunday.

Blunt: I think any law you pass that discourages people from working can't be a good idea. Why would we wanna do that? Why would we think that's a good thing? How does that allow people to prepare for the time when they don't work?

Obviously this is a load of crap, but that never stops Republicans from spreading it on thick. People always need to work, period. Are they going to sit home and not eat and not clothe their kids because of Obamacare? Chalk up job choice as yet another item that Republicans hate the working class to have.

As HuffPost has reported, some of the people leaving their jobs are, in fact, eyeing retirement -- opting to leave work before Medicare kicks in at age 65. Others may be planning to start their own business, or go back to school.

On the same show, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) defended the health care law, emphasizing that the decline in working will be the result of worker choices, not unwanted layoffs.

"They're in employment solely because they get health benefits … this is a voluntary choice," Cardin said. "In some cases, these people might have two jobs because of these health benefits … now they don't need to work two full-time jobs to get their health benefits."

But Blunt didn't budge. "The best face you can probably put on that is that people who don't wanna work don't have to work," Blunt continued. "Surely that's not what we wanna encourage."

Americans don't love working at jobs they hate, but many of them must because they need to survive, idjits.

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