Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips Worries About Phallic Symbols On Cakes

He can't stop thinking about those penises!

Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation had a meltdown over Jan Brewer's veto of the anti-gay legislation in Arizona. He's so mad that's he's seeing large penises everywhere. "My eyes, my eyes!" Well, in his latest screed, he only sees them on wedding cakes.

Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation, is a little upset about Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s decision last night to veto a bill that would have expanded the ability of business owners to discriminate against LGBT people and others.

“Tyranny is on the march,” Phillips declares in a piece on the TPN website that he also emailed to members of the group, adding that business owners who are not allowed to discriminate against gays and lesbians are “slaves” to the “great liberal state,” aided by “French Republicans” like Brewer.

“The left and the homosexual lobby are both pushing slavery using the Orwellian concepts of ‘tolerance’ and ‘inclusiveness,’” he writes.

Phillips then wonders if business owners will be forced to “create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it,” “create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia [sic],” or “photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior.”

The left and the homosexual lobby in America went into overdrive to kill this bill. Conservatives rallied for this bill and Governor Brewer opted for cowardice instead of courage.

Why is this bill so important and what did it mean for not only Arizona but America?

The issue can be boiled down to one word: Freedom.

A free man or woman controls their labor. A slave has no control over their labor. A free man or woman decides who they will work for and under what conditions. The slave cannot.

The left and the homosexual lobby are both pushing slavery using the Orwellian concepts of “tolerance” and “inclusiveness.”

Oh, noes! For wacko bird Judson Phillips, it's all about the freedom to hate, segregate, punish and cast out everyone he doesn't agree with. if he can't, then he's a slave. A freaking slave. Can he be any more offensive?

Poor sod. Maybe he should move to Uganda, where he'd be free to hate homosexuals all day, every day.

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