Ted Nugent: President Obama Just Like Child Molesters And Carjackers!
Ted Nugent dug his heels and his reputation in even deeper during an inteview yesterday with Erin Burnett.
Ted Nugent wants everyone to know he had absolutely no idea that the term "subhuman mongrel" had its roots in Nazi Germany. By the same token, he does want everyone to know that he used the term with regard to the president in exactly the same way he would use it to refer to carjackers and child molesters.
NUGENT: Boy, you learn (AUDIO GAP) today. No, I've never heard that reference before. I'll tell you, I've been a cop in Lake County, Michigan, since 1982 thereabout. I conduct federal raids with the DEA and ATF and U.S. Marshals and the FBI and Texas Rangers and heroes of law enforcements.
And we are re-arresting fugitive felons let out of their cages after murdering and raping and molesting children, carjacking. And we keep going after these guys.
The adrenaline is something like you will never experience, I hope you never have to experience it, but when we are done with these kinds of raids, we get together and our hearts are broken that we have to face these monsters. We call them mongrels. We call bad people who are destroying our neighborhoods mongrels.
I knew of no racial reference. I think the president is absolutely correct. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, yellow, red, we are all mongrels basically because we are mixed breeds. I concur with that, so I learned something there and I learned something from your research into history.
Later in the interview he reinforces those statements by informing Burnett's audience that President Obama "is a bad man."
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Nugent was ignorant about Nazis but thinks of our president in the same terms as carjackers and child molesters.
How is it that this guy has any voice at all, much less one that is this violent and radical?