Ted Nugent's Epic Hatefilled Rant Against Liberals And President Obama: 'An Avowed Racist'

Ted Nugent gave a very disturbing interview to a reporter at the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, in which he viciously attacked the president and all liberal Democrats.

Ted Nugent's form of crazy is very, very scary, to say the least. His vitriolic rhetoric most definitely helped land him on the board of the NRA and a gig on the Outdoor Channel, but that doesn't excuse his actions. Many conservatives cry out loud when somebody on MSNBC says something very inappropriate, but in conservative politics, Ted Nugent's disgusting descriptions are par for the course.

In this interview for Pennlive, he called Obama a racist, liberal Democrat for destroying Detroit on purpose and described Democrats in government as cockroaches.

He was as vicious as I've ever seen him.

Nugent: I scare the living hell out of brain dead psychotic liberal democrats. I'm on a mission doing God's work. I'm exposing the soullessness of the left The evil agenda of the same liberal democrats who engineered the destruction of the greatest city in America, my birth city Detroit

They did it on purpose and now we have a commander and chief who's actually following the recipe for the destruction of Detroit for the whole country.

My most important driving duty as a "We the People" caring, knowledgeable, educated participating in self government is to spotlight the cockroaches that have infested our government and much of our media Joseph Goebbels propaganda ministry of so much of the media in this country, so I'm a very busy man.

A president who's an avowed racist, who claimed because Trayvon Martin was black even though he was a gangster and an attacker and a doper, that he could have been his son -- really?

The Outdoor Channel has a lot of explaining to do:

In January, Outdoor Channel announced a multi-year deal with Nugent, which includes "making talent appearances on the network's behalf at top consumer and industry trade events." At the time, Outdoor Channel's CEO said, "Ted Nugent symbolizes everything that is right in our industry." Nugent recentlyrepresented Outdoor Channel at the gun industry's annual trade show, where he compared Jewish film executive Harvey Weinstein to a Nazi because of Weinstein's opposition to the NRA. Nugent also created controversy and faced accusations of racism for an interview conducted at the trade show where he called President Obama a mongrel -- a term for a dog of indeterminate breed.

This man is a pillar of the conservative movement. Need I say more?

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