Tucker Carlson Is A Worthless Person: It's 'Fascism' To Treat Gays Equally

Tucker Carlson has more lives than a feral cat, and in his latest incarnation, he's just a shameless, money-grubbing Neanderthal.

How many lives does Tucker Carlson have? I thought we were done with his nonsense after he was ousted from MSNBC, but then some anti-freeze guzzler gave him money to start The Daily Caller, an online rag that's wrong almost all of the time. As usual, Fox News was there to bail him out and give him a weekend job and the only way he can keep it is if he makes ludicrous arguments that are patterned around Louis Gohmert.

It's "Fascism" For Businesses To Have To Treat Gay Customers Equally

Fox News host and Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson championed an Arizona measure that would allow businesses and individuals refuse services to gay people on religious grounds as a bulwark against "fascism."

CARLSON: Well it's pretty simple. I mean, if you want to have a gay wedding, fine, go ahead. If I don't want to bake you a cake for your gay wedding, that's okay too. Or should be. That's called tolerance. But when you try and force me to bake a cake for your gay wedding and threaten me with prison if I don't, that's called fascism.

Carlson's attempts to distinguish between refusing to provide services related to a gay wedding and refusing to serve gay people in general ignore the substance of the bill. New York University constitutional law professor Kenji Yoshino has noted that the measure is broadly written enough that it would allow any individual or business owner to refuse services to any gay person as long as he or she contended that providing services would burden his or her religious beliefs.

Fascism? We've already been down this road before in our history by something called the Civil Rights Act, but conservatives don't like history much except to exalt St. Ronnie. He's making a Rand Paul argument that's been debunked many decades ago. I'm shocked he didn't apply the "states right's" southern strategy technique.

I laughed when Tucker said he didn't care what McCain, Flake, and Romney said about the law because of the principle, dammit. It's the principle!!!!!

Duncan rightly calls him the Worst Person In The World.

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