Alaskan State Senator: 'Birth Control Is For People Who Don’t Act Responsibly.'

Senate Finance co-chairman Pete Kelly is declaring war on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Alaska by denying contraception?

Ignorance is bliss for religious conservatives whenever they delve into sexy part things. Every day it's either a Senator, a congressperson, state legislator, pastor, pundit, op-ed columnist or Ted Nugent wannabe that makes neanderthal-type comments about women's reproductive parts.

Here's Alaska's Senate Finance co-chairman Pete Kelly, discussing his views on FASD and birth control to the Anchorage Daily:

Alaska state Senate Finance co-chair Pete Kelly said recently that he was willing to spend millions of dollars to put pregnancy tests in bars, but free birth control was out of the question because it is used by “people who don’t necessarily want to act responsibly.”

In an interview with the Anchorage Daily News last week, Kelly explained that he was declaring war on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) with publicly funded pregnancy tests in restaurants and bars, spending millions on an ad blitz and recruiting citizen “helpers” to counsel pregnant women.

But when the paper asked if he would also be open to distributing free birth control to bars, Kelly was absolutely against it. “No. Because the thinking is a little opposite,” the senator opined. “This assumes that if you know [you are pregnant] you’ll act responsibly.”

Birth control is for people who don’t necessarily want to act responsibly.” The paper pointed out many people considered using birth control to be acting responsibly.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Kelly remarked.

IOKIYAR. Big government spending is fine when it aligns with their religious beliefs apparently. Or for the military. His views on birth control are pre-neanderthal.

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