Bill O'Reilly Calls Global Warming 'Theoretical'
Bill O'Reilly, climate, expert, explains the Keystone XL pipeline will "not hurt the environment, according to all credible studies."
Bill O'Reilly opened up his show Wednesday night by citing a new Gallup Poll on Climate Change. The poll listed the top fifteen things people are worried about and climate change finished at the bottom.

That's not a surprising result since we've seen the way the media treats the subject. And let's face it, Americans are much worried about what's affecting their lives right now than in, say, fifty years.
Bill O'Reilly was in his glory (because he knows how the left feels about the issue) with this new poll and even though he does support a cleaner environment, he decided to attack global warming by calling it a "theory."
O'Reilly: be fair, every American should support a cleaner environment, US industries should be given tax breaks to develop alternate fuels and more efficient cars because getting away from fossil fuels is a good thing. But liberal America wants far more than that. They want to impose economic restrictions that hurt all Americans in their theoretical battle against global warming and President Obama buys into that. The truth is Mr. Obama should have approved the Keystone pipeline a long time ago. That would damage OPEC and Russia and not hurt the environment according to all credible studies.
It's not a theoretical battle, Bill. It's fact. And don't get me started on the Keystone pipeline. BillO doesn't cite all the credible studies he says he's using because I imagine they come from either BP Oil or non-peer reviewed papers. Please put all evidence in the comment section below about climate change and how bad the Keystone XL pipeline would be.