Breitbart Wingnut Says 'Liberal Professors Should Be Taken Out And Shot'

Breitbart columnist Austin Ruse couldn't pass up an opportunity to lay some hate at liberals' feet.

It's open season on college professors, it seems. At least, the liberal ones. Listen to this conservative "Christian" call for them to be taken out and shot. Because liberty. Or something.


While filling in today for American Family Radio host Sandy Rios, Austin Ruse commented on the media frenzy surrounding a Duke University freshman who announced that she is a porn actress.

Ruse, who leads the ultraconservative Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (C-Fam), promptly blamed the college’s women’s studies department and said that “the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities” should “all be taken out and shot.”

Here's the transcript in case you'd like to skip listening to the hate drip out of him:

That is the nonsense that they teach in women’s studies at Duke University, this is where she learned this. The toxic stew of the modern university is gender studies, it’s “Sex Week,” they all have “Sex Week” and teaching people how to be sex-positive and overcome the patriarchy. My daughters go to a little private religious school and we pay an arm and a leg for it precisely to keep them away from all of this kind of nonsense. I do hope that they go to a Christian college or university and to keep them so far away from the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities, who should all be taken out and shot.

I take exception to this. My kids all went to public school, and public universities. My daughter attends a university in the University of California system, where they have courses on gender studies, but also ethics, social justice, social responsibility, and more. You know what? She would never say conservative professors should be taken out and shot. So you tell me. Who's learning to be a better human? The insular ones who learn to hate their neighbors, or the ones who learn to love their neighbors?

What would Pope Frank say about that, Austin?

Austin is an equal opportunity hater of gays and women alike. New Civil Rights Movement:

Ruse, you’ll remember, also wears the hat of president of a certified anti-gay hate group, C-FAM, also known as the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. Under C-FAM’s umbrella is the World Congress of Families. One or both groups have been linked to or has supported anti-gay legislation around the globe, including in Russia, Uganda, and Belize.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which recently “awarded” a spot on it’s list of active anti-gay hate groups to C-FAM, writes that Austin Ruse “has been a promoter of working with conservative Muslims against gay rights since at least 1999. In 2005, he predicted that although ‘our enemies’ will call it an ‘un-holy alliance,’ ‘victory will come’ in the battle over gay rights in venues like the UN from this “potent alliance between Catholic and Muslim countries.’”

C-FAM’s board, the SPLC notes, includes John O’Sullivan of Radio Free Europe, who “formerly was an editor at the conservative National Review, where he promoted the work of immigrant-basher Peter Brimelow, known for his racist VDARE website, and edited Brimelow’s nativist book, Alien Nation.”

Such fear. Fear of ideas, fear of differences, fear of gay people, brown people, poor people and evidently, fear of having a free exchange of ideas at our nation's universities. He'd just as soon shoot them as listen, an idea which is both repugnant and smacks of totalitarian rule.

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