Chris Wallace Upset President Obama Took A Day Off To Play Golf

How dare the president take a few hours over the weekend when there's a crisis afoot?

Chris Wallace was very upset that President Obama took a day off and went golfing in Florida. How dare he do that when he should be glued to the red phone twenty four hours a day, waiting for Putin to call him? Wallace tried to get Robert Gates to criticize Obama over his golf outing, but Gates wouldn't comply.

WALLACE: Well, I know -- excuse me, sir. I was just going to say you talk about Putin being opportunistic, and obviously he's got a big strategy here, but just in terms of optics, do you think it's helpful for President Obama to take the weekend off in the middle of what you call a crisis to be playing golf in Florida?

GATES: Well, you know, I've -- I've seen this happen year after year, president after president, president takes a day or two off and plays golf. It doesn't matter whether it's President Obama or ...

WALLACE: Would you have advised him to do it, sir?

GATES: The first President Bush going fishing. I think you've got to give these guys a little time off. You know, mostly they are working 20 hours a day.

WALLACE: Would you have advised him to do it this weekend, sir?

GATES: Well, I was never in the position to advice presidents on what they did on weekends.

WALLACE: That's a very diplomatic answer.

The truth is that no president escapes fully his responsibilities, and I'm sure Obama got a briefing in the morning before playing golf. We criticized George Bush for taking so many vacation days (more than a full year of his eight years in office were "vacation days") so I imagine that's where Wallace is coming from on this because his attack makes no sense at all. And it's absolutely laughable when we have so many pictures of Bush doing anything rather than deal with crises.

Oh, I forgot, Chris Wallace is the most fair and balanced reporter on Fox News.

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