Fox News' Tantaros: Funding Contraception Is 'Subsidizing' Women's Sex Lives
Andrea Tantaros defended Hobby Lobby by saying that if a company includes contraception in their health care coverage then it's subsidizing a woman's sex life. No, really.
Eric Bolling: Really [NY] Times, is that a "fair and balanced" headline?
I just love to hear whack job Eric Bolling of Fox News complain that a story in the NY Times isn't "fair and balanced." That is really too much.
Media Matters grabbed this clip of insufferable disinformation on Fox and I thank them. To me The Five is the worst cable news show on TV and I can't get through listening to them for more than five minutes without gagging.
The phony religious outrage over the Hobby Lobby case is nauseating. Do you want to know why America's millennials are turning away from religion as fast as they can? It's because of the Hobby Lobbys, the Andrea Tantaros's, and people of similar ilk.
Back to the segment.
Bolling: Religious Liberty against women's rights. Really Times, is that a "fair and balanced headline?" Is it about women's right's or is it about liberal ideology crushing religious freedoms? We report, you decide.
First of all, what Bolling read wasn't a NY Times headline. Here's the headline:
He's actually talking about the first sentence of the article, so as far as being "fair," either Eric is just lying or too stupid to know the difference. And secondly, how is liberal ideology crushing religious freedoms when public companies have to follow the healthcare law like everybody else?
The phony religious outrage over the Hobby Lobby case is nauseating. Do you want to know why America's millennials are turning away from religion as fast as they can? It's because of the Hobby Lobby's, the Andrea Tantaros', and people of similar ilk.
But then came the real star of the show, Andrea Tantaros, one of Roger Ailes 'leg' girls.
Tantaros: I hate to break it to the NY Times, there is no women's right in the amendment. There is a first amendment right and frankly, to have women and to assume there's a women in the fingerprinting department of Hobby Lobby is so upset that she can get all these other forms of contraception but she can't afford a 20, 30, 50 dollar plan B abortion pill should probably worry about getting another job to pay for it.
Jobs are pretty hard to come by these days and I believe she does know that. I don't think the NY Times was talking about the amendments to the constitution, Andrea. Women have rights in this country in the workplace and elsewhere and that includes you, but back to her main points. The Plan B pill is not as she labels it, an abortion pill. That's a Christianist fantasy. The pill works in a completely different way.
Pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of a woman's uterus. Implantation begins five to seven days after sperm fertilizes the egg, and the process is completed several days later. Emergency contraception will not work if a woman is already pregnant.
The Plan B pill is a very good form of contraception, period and not some aborto-pill.
Tantaros: It's not our responsibility for the women in the cross
garbledsection to fund and subsidize her sex life and if it was so important Eric, then the administration can figure out another way to get her a check directly.This is the whole feminist myth. This is what they are selling to women. My body is between me and my doctor unless a bill comes due and guess what, I'm not Beyonce anymore. I'm oppressed, I'm weak. I'm not a strong woman. It's a terrible message.
Are women strong or are we not?
Do you understand what she's talking about there because I don't? Maybe she's trying to make some sort of a I Am Woman, Helen Reddy case, but in her eyes you're not a strong woman if you use contraception?
It's beyond me, but that's how the religious right frames this debate. They make stuff up because they have no facts on their side.
It's horrifying.