Hobby Lobby Owners Backed Arizona Anti-Gay Law, Sent Millions To Religious Right Wing Network

Hobby Lobby owners don't simply want religious liberty for themselves. They're aiming to shape an extreme religious agenda for the entire country.

You should begin to think of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, as the religious right equivalent of the Koch brothers after reading this article in Salon about the millions they sent to a Christian donor-advised fund to funnel into the pockets of organizations fighting to limit the rights of the LGBT community and women while advancing their extremist corporate agenda.

Salon writer Eli Clifton has uncovered evidence that the Greens donated millions to the National Christian Charitable Fund (NCCF) to fund the current anti-contraception effort heard by the Supreme Court this week, and also the Arizona anti-gay bill that was vetoed by Jan Brewer a couple of weeks ago.

The NCCF is a donor-advised fund, much like Donors' Trust. Donors give to the fund, or assign their assets to it, and then "advise" fund trustees on where those assets should be directed. If the organization is a non-profit organization with a valid address, that advice is acted upon. It's a form of legal money laundering.

Newly-uncovered evidence shows that in this case it's legal money laundering that the Greens are using to push far more than their delicate objections to covering contraceptives for their employees.

But a document published here for the first time reveals Hobby Lobby appears to be going much further than protecting freedom, providing funding for a group that backs a political network of activist groups deeply engaged in pushing a Christian agenda into American law. The document shows entities related to the company to be two of the largest donors to the organization funding a right-wing Christian agenda, investing tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars into a vast network of organizations working in concert to advance an agenda that would allow businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians and deny their employees contraceptives under a maximalist interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause of the United States Constitution.

The donations are on page two of this document:

unholy alliance between libertarians like Koch and these people. What emerges is a disturbing and frighteningly clear portrait of how the right wing intends to elevate corporate power in this country in order to subjugate individuals.

If the Supreme Court decides to carve the baby in half on this contraception challenge by allowing "small, family-owned businesses" to hide behind a religious liberty exemption in order to avoid doing what every other company has to do, it will be the equivalent of granting the oligarchs free rein to buy whatever exceptions they want, all in the name of Jesus.

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