Oliver North At CPAC: Fight Against Gay Marriage Like Slavery
There's nothing more ignoble than a soulless man preaching morals to a soulless crowd.
Oliver North moved his Fox News insanity over to CPAC where it was welcomed with open arms. The man who illegally sold arms to Iran now says that America has nothing to apologize for, ever. And that means the Iraq war, of course. At least he could apologize for his own horrendous actions, no? Here's a man who has proved that he has no moral convictions praising moral convictions to the rubes.
But he went much further than that.
In an appearance at CPAC today, Oliver North denounced President Obama for treating military service members like “laboratory rats in some radical social experiment” and “apologizing” for America. North insisted that the US “has nothing ever to apologize for, not once” in its entire history.
Later, North said that the GOP must remain firm in working to ban marriage equality and abortion rights just as abolitionists fought to end slavery, warning that “if we as conservatives cease to be a place where people of faith and those who believe in strong moral values can come, we will cease to be a political force in America.”
North: America, the greatest force for good the world has ever known has no-thing ever to apologize for, not once.
Some say we must ignore social issues like the definition of marriage, the sanctity of life, religious freedoms. I say those are not social issues, they are deeply moral and spiritual and they should be part of America's elections.
Any time a conservative brings up a slavery analogy, you know it's going to be ridiculous.
North: In the 1850's a political party was born on the idea of a great moral issue, human bondage, the abolition of slavery in America. If we as conservatives cease to be a place where people of faith and those who believe in strong moral values can come, we will cease to be a political force in America.
So he wants to fight gay marriage as if it was slavery. That doesn't make any sense at all since not one Christian is enslaved, beaten, raped or killed when a gay couple is married, but he probably thinks it's a nice talking point. I also think he needs a little history lesson because the Republican party is now dominated by the south (southern states who fought to keep slavery alive and became Republicans) because of the fight for civil rights back in the 60's.