Out Of 10,855 Peer-Reviewed Articles On Climate Change, Only Two Rejected Human Causes

Climate change is reality. Two studies out of thousands disagree, but that's not a reason to discount the science.

Our media constantly puts on talking heads or politicians (Rep. Marsha Blackburn) who have never written a peer-reviewed article about climate change or know anything outside of hand-delivered talking points from the Koch Brothers and it's destroying this very important topic. So if you ever find yourself engaging with a climate change denier, here's a little fodder for you to work with.

Here’s a statistic for you. Out of 10,855 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals last year that dealt with some aspect of global warming, all but two accepted human behavior as the primary cause. Oddly, that represents a bit of backsliding. The previous year, only one study rejected human factors, according to an annual roundup by geochemist James Lawrence Powell and reported by Salon.

Science is not a theory but a process, a mechanism for distilling truth from observation. As astrophysicist and new “Cosmos” host Neil de Grasse Tyson told Stephen Colbert: “That’s the good thing about science: It’s true whether or not you believe in it. That’s why it works.” And the process of knowledge, according to those in the best seats to observe it, is that global warming is happening, we’re causing it, and we’re at the stage where irreversible changes to the environment are underway.

Yet we dither over what to do, while some would-be opinion-shapers and elected political leaders — apparently channeling the Koch brothers’ view of the world — deny that human actions are responsible. From Lindsay Abrams at Salon:

Very few of the most vocal global warming deniers, those who write op-eds and blogs and testify to congressional committees, have ever written a peer-reviewed article in which they say explicitly that anthropogenic global warming is false. Why? Because then they would have to provide the evidence and, evidently, they don’t have it.

What can we conclude?

1. There is a mountain of scientific evidence in favor of anthropogenic global warming and no convincing evidence against it.

2. Those who deny anthropogenic global warming have no alternative theory to explain the observed rise in atmospheric CO2 and global temperature.

These two facts together mean that the so-called debate over global warming is an illusion, a hoax conjured up by a handful of apostate scientists and a misguided and sometimes colluding media, aided and abetted by funding from fossil fuel companies and right-wing foundations...read on

Climate deniers don't have the evidence on their side, but that never has stopped conservatives from lying about a topic before so it's up to us to know the facts.

Our media continually uses charlatans to debate climate change, as Scott Martelle writes: "Climate change: While we fiddle, the world burns ... and floods and parches"

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