Pat Robertson Longs For The Days When Gays Were Stoned To Death

Pat Robertson was waxing poetically on the 700 Club today about the golden days when gays were stoned to death.

Pat Robertson epitomizes what hate speech is in America. These phony holy rollers have been filling up our pages with their dangerous, violent and disgusting rhetoric of late.

Maybe Putin is getting to him too.

Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson said that Satan is behind homosexuality and that Jesus wouldn’t have served gay couples since they would have been stoned to death.

Robertson made the remarks following a report on a Colorado baker who was sued for refusing to serve a same-sex couple and the controversy over Arizona’s so-called “religious freedom” bill.

“I think you got to remember from the Bible, if you look carefully at the Bible what would have happened in Jesus’ time if two men decided they wanted to cohabit together, they would have been stoned to death,” Robertson said. “So Jesus would not have baked them a wedding cake nor would he have made them a bed to sleep in because they wouldn’t have been there. But we don’t have that in this country here so that’s the way it is.” (Robertson’s claim that Jesus would never have encountered a same-sex couple is a matter of debate.)


“The Devil is trying to say, ‘I’m going to destroy your progeny any way I can. If you will kill your babies, that’s fine, I’m with you; if you will deny the chance of having babies, that’s fine too; but I want to destroy your opportunities to reproduce,’” he said.

“It’s a very serious thing and we’re not talking about it, and we need to as a society, we have to realize where the attack is coming because it is definitely an attack.”

Co-host Wendy Griffith agreed: “The Devil wants to steal, kill and destroy. Well said Pat.”

When did the Devil ever want humans to stop reproducing? Is this a new "Birther" conspiracy? I'd imagine the Devil would want as many people to be born as possible because that gives him more souls to corrupt and collect. I think Satan bagged Robertson's and Ralph Reed's a long time ago.

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