Paul Broun Giving Away AR-15 To One Lucky Supporter!
Crazy Paul Broun wants YOU to have an AR-15 to counteract Michelle Nunn's hate for the Second Amendment
Yes, boys and girls, you too could be the proud owner of a Colt Mag Pole 6920 Flat Dark Earth with an Aim Point Optic and sure fire tactical flashlight. All you have to do is add your name to Paul Broun's mailing list for his Senate campaign!
And oh, be afraid. The email reads like a litany of gun nuts' fears. Better add your name right away!
Dear Patriot -
Barack Obama is finally feeling the heat of his failed policies, and he is grabbing at straws to get more friends in Washington. That is why Barack & Michelle Obama, Harry Reid and the Washington Democrat machine are ferociously working to get my opponent elected to the Senate.
They know Michelle Nunn will serve as a rubber stamp vote for the policies of the Obama Administration, and [name redacted], we cannot afford to let that happen.
One of the first changes they will make is to take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
And that's why I'm emailing you today. Last month over 100,000 patriots like yourself signed up to win our campaign's gun giveaway. The winner of our giveaway was [deleted]from Hagerstown, Maryland. It was so successful that TODAY our campaign is launching a new gun giveaway.
But this time things are different, you will have your choice of one of the following:
Colt Marine Corps 1911 Rail Pistol Model Number 01070QB
Colt Mag Pole 6920 Flat Dark Earth with an Aim Point Optic and sure fire tactical flashlight
It's no secret that the Democrats and liberal media would love to take away our guns and mandate every aspect of our lives, but I refuse to let them get away with that. I am the Chairman of the 2nd Amendment Task Force in Congress and our campaign has been endorsed by Gun Owners of America and National Association of Gun Rights.
As one of the most conservative members of Congress, and a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I am constantly under attack for my values and beliefs but I will NEVER stop fighting for what I believe in.
Well, boo-ya. Pass the ammo and let the fun begin! I wonder how AR-15s do against lions. Will the lucky winner think they're chewy too?