Paul Wolfowitz Uses Nazi Analogy To Rile Up U.S. Anger At Putin

When the best analogy to world events highlights your incredible incompetence and utter wrongness, what's a Neocon to do? Go Godwin, of course.

As soon as the Ukraine/Russia situation took off, the Beltway media couldn't run fast enough to find the same tired, old and always wrong neocons and Cold War relics who hungered for U.S. global power for their analysis on the topic. It's insulting to the country to have these buffoons speak, but it must be really painful for military families to see these clowns on TV since their actions have cost the lives of so many of our American military, not to mention the scores and scores of civilian casualties caught up in their wake.

Fox News reached out to former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense under the Bush administration Paul Wolfowitiz to get his "expert" reaction to the situation. Remember, he's the man that said Iraq would pay for its own reconstruction.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a congressional panel that Iraqi oil revenues would help pay for reconstructing the country, i.e. a cost of the war. “The oil revenue of that country could bring between 50 and 100 billion dollars over the course of the next two or three years. We’re dealing with a country that could really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon,” he said.

(Heather caught him trying to rewrite his own history on CNN recently. )

He joined Chris Wallace's "all star" panel discussion of topics and this is how he responded to their other supposed foreign policy "expert" Laura Ingraham (an avowed Iraq war supporter), who echoed Juan Williams' claims that the American people do not want to be involved in another war.

INGRAHAM: I think -- we have to look at the sense of upwards of $20 trillion in Iraq, right? We don't have a lot to show for it. We are stumbling still in Afghanistan. American people -- I mean, we can talk about we should do this and we should do that -- and I understand that. I really do. But we have a country right now where people look around and say wait a second, why do we only seem to care about borders and sovereignty when they're other countries' border -- border and sovereignty? Why is it that we're obsessed about that but in our country, we have a middle class completely flat-lining, we have economic opportunity dwindling?

And I think it's a hard sell to the people spending money where we don't know where it's coming from in an economy that needs desperate help here.

So, these are the perils of military adventurism and previous decades. We're paying the price of that a little bit today.

I was a big supporter of the war in Iraq. And I understand there are a lot of complexities there. But the American people are looking and going, where is the bang for the buck? That's what they're running into, in the Democratic and Republican Parties.(CROSSTALK)

WOLFOWITZ: You can't do this in the rearview mirror. The problem is --

INGRAHAM: You've got to learn from the past, Paul, right?

WOLFOWITZ: Yes, I know. But one of the things to learn from the past includes, unfortunately, the past of 1930s, is that if you don't deter this sort of moves early, when you can do it without military force, you end up in wars. And that's what we're trying to avoid here.

Yes, Paul, we must deter and dictate the entire world or else....the Nazis. What does Hitler have to do with Putin? Nothing. After Crimea, will Putin move on to France and then start bombing England?

He makes absolutely no fu*&king sense at all. My neighbor is parking too close to my driveway and if I don't punch his lights out and curb his behavior, he'll take over every parking spot in a two mile radius. Please, go drink some anti-freeze with Charles Pierce and leave us all alone.

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