Rand Paul Continues Neanderthal Attacks On Bill Clinton
It's a strange presidential strategy: launching yourself presidential campaign by atttacking a former president over an affair that most Americans didn't care about.
Rand Paul, who won the straw poll at the inconsequential CPAC, once again attacked Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair. He said this on Meet the Press:
And I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this. He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior, and it should be something we shouldn't want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office. Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office? I mean, really. And then they have the gall to stand up and say, "Republicans are having a war on women"? So, yes, I think it's a factor.
And his attacks this time made about as much sense as his last one. This guy is pretty stupid as CPAC's leading presidential nominee for the GOP in 2016.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Friday knocked former President Clinton as a “throwback to a sort of troglodyte time,” where men took advantage of women in the workplace.
Speaking to The Hill prior to his appearance at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, Paul defended his recent attacks on the former president, who he’s criticized as a “sexual predator.” He’s also called for Democrats to return donations raised or contributed by Clinton.
“It is quite hypocritical that a party that says they’re great defenders of women in the workplace supports a guy who violated all of those pledges, all of those promises that the workplace is a safer place for women than it has been in the past,” he said. "He's a throwback to a sort of troglodyte time, where men did whatever they wanted to women in the workplace."
He said he believes it’s “fair game for Democrats to have to defend” Clinton, since they lean on him heavily for fundraising and campaigning help.
His points about workplace safety are ludicrous since Monica Lewinsky was a most willing participant. What's hypocritical on his part is that he probably would be against any federal regulations protecting women in the workplace. And trying to paint himself as a true Christian patriot with his "fetal personhood" bill, I'm sure he's closer aligned to the women-stay-at-home-to cook-and-clean club of Richard Land anyway.
To refresh the Aqua Buddha, Americans were totally sickened by the Republicans' behavior after the affair was revealed and if he so chooses to go down that path, then I say, go for it.