Roger ‘Legal Schnauzer’ Shuler Released From Jail

After five months, Roger Shuler has finally been released from his unconstitutional imprisonment. It's about time.

Roger ‘Legal Schnauzer’ Shuler Released From Jail

Via Liberaland:

The Doc woke up to some good news from Shelby County, Alabama:

Roger Shuler, a veteran journalist and publisher of the Legal Schnauzer blog, was released yesterday afternoon from the Shelby County Jail, where he had spent more than five months from the fallout of a defamation lawsuit.

Shuler was released about 4:15 p.m. at the jail in Columbiana, Alabama, where he had been the only incarcerated journalist in the Western Hemisphere.

The arrest and incarceration has drawn national and international news coverage. Among the media outlets providing coverage are The New York Times, Al Jazeera, H...

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