Americans For Prosperity's Unforced Anti-Obamacare Ad Error

Americans for Prosperity Colorado ran an ad Wednesday featuring an image of Senator Udall and President Obama taken at the memorial service for Aurora shooting victims.

Chris Hayes opened up his Wednesday show with the declaration that Obamacare is winning. Which it is. But that's not stopping Americans for Prosperity from wasting a lot of money running ads to keep Republican voters engaged. In the process, AfP Colorado managed to offend a lot of Coloradans with their ads.

Morgan Whitaker:

The latest ad from the tea party-affiliated group backed by the Koch brothers slams Colorado Sen. Mark Udall for his support of the Affordable Care Act, picturing him alongside Pres. Obama. But that image, which shows Obama and Udall frowning and looking concerned, came from an event the two appeared at together in the wake of the Aurora theater shooting.

The group owned up to its mistake Wednesday afternoon via Twitter, apologizing to Aurora families who may have been offended.

AFP also removed the original version of the ad from YouTube, and uploaded a new version that replaced the questionable photo with a Photoshopped shot of Udall and Obama together.

Of course, they used that photo because both of them looked sad and angry, which is what AfP wanted to convey to their audience. The replacement's not all that much better, but no matter, because they're wasting their money with the constant march on Obamacare anyway.

The Kochs and associated oligarchs have a problem. Even Republicans don't want the law repealed anymore. They want it to be "fixed," whatever that means in Republicanspeak.

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