And So It Begins: 'Chelsea's Pregnancy Was A Forced Hillary Campaign Ploy'

The Chelsea Truthers are already surfacing and it's not pretty.

I wrote earlier today that it wouldn't take long for the Chelsea Truthers to surface and so as it was written, so it shall be. Conservative talker Steve Malzberg opined that Chelsea's pregnancy was timed to help Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign:

Pointing to an interview Chelsea gave to Glamour Magazine last year in which she said that she and her husband had "decided we were going to make 2014 the Year of the Baby, and please, call my mother and tell her that. She asks us about it every single day," Malzberg concluded that Bill and Hillary were pressuring Chelsea to get pregnant at a time that would benefit her campaign.

"Pardon the skeptic in me," Malzberg said, "but what great timing! I mean, purely accidental, purely an act of nature, purely just left up to God. And God answered Hillary Clinton's prayers and she going to have the prop of being a new grandma while she runs for president. It just warms the heart. It brings a tear to my eye. It really does. Wow!"

In Malzberg's world, Chelsea was not only part of the conspiracy, but she was forced by Bill and Hillary to get pregnant NOW!

That's the most odious thing he said, for sure. And it will not stop here.

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