Bill O'Reilly: Eric Holder Is Using His 'Skin Color As A Shield'

Bill O'Reilly must be having a hard time coming up with material for his show because his material is downright silly these days. He claimed Eric Holder is using his skin color as a "shield" and Richard Nixon had it much worse from Congress than Obama did so STFU.

Bill O'Reilly must be having a hard time coming up with material for his show because he's material is downright silly these days. Silly and insulting, I might add. Because Eric Holder told an audience that the Obama administration has been constantly unfairly attacked by Congress, BillO took Holder to mean that they are doing this to him and Obama because they of their skin color. Yes, he went there. And then to top it off he said that Nixon and Mitchell had it far worse from Congress so STFU.

Is Attorney General playing the race card? That is the subject of this evening talking points memo.

How dare he! Hasn't the House Republicans found incriminating evidence in their Benghazi and IRS investigations to put Holder away for ninety-nine years? And then add on another twenty on top for his criminal culpability in the Fast and Furious scandal. What's he got to complain about, right? Well, no, Republicans have wasted millions of dollars on tax payer money on phony scandals for no other reason than to try and de-legitimize Obama.

BillO was enamored with the contempt citation Republicans pinned on Holder in 2012 and he plays the video of Holder going after simpleton Rep. Louis Gohmert during another silly hearing:

"I've read you what your department promised and it is inadequate," Gohmert said. "And I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our Attorney General but it is important that we have proper oversight."

"You don't want to go there, buddy, alright? You don't want to go there, ok?" interjected Holder.

BillO then played video of Holder speaking in front of the National Action network.

Holder: The last five years have been defined by significant strides and by last reforms even in the face, even in the face, of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive adversity. You look at how the Attorney General was treated by a House committee yesterday, it had nothing to do with me, forget me. What Attorney General has had to deal with that kind of treatment? What president has had to deal with that kind of treatment?

That really bugged BillO where he breathes so he pounced on the Attorney General and played the race card.

O'Reilly: Mr. Holder heavily implied that the House Judiciary Committee is giving him a hard time because of his "skin color." (extra emphasis)

Bill then went into his grievance industry talking points, complaining that Holder didn't find out what happened in Benghazzzzziiiii.

And then he played the Nixon card.

O'Reilly: So the heavy evidence is (What evidence exactly?) that Eric Holder is using his skin color as a shield to avoid explaining to the American people, why he has been so ineffective on a variety of fronts or am I wrong? (He's wrong)

Richard Nixon was treated far more harshly by Congress than Barack Obama. And his attorney General John Mitchell was ruined over the Watergate investigation.

Richard Nixon was impeached from office because of Watergate with many of his associates going to prison, but you know, what the hell. he's gotta use something to shoot down Holder's complaints and they did have it worse than Holder.

This might be a first for O'Reilly. He played the race card and justified House Republicans insane behavior by calling forth the ghost of Richard Nixon.

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