Cliven Bundy Brings A Dead Calf On CNN Interview

He held a dead calf in his arms and then blamed the government for killing it.

There has been a lot said today about Cliven Bundy's CNN interview with Chris Cuomo this morning over his Rosa Parks and MLK views, but what was just as disturbing is that he held a dead calf in his arms to begin the segment and then blamed the government for killing it. We're into more than far right fringe politics here now, this is downright Hostel II territory for television news.

Chris Cuomo had to ask him to take it away because viewers might get upset.

Cuomo: I see in your arms you are holding a dead calf. What happened?

Bundy: This dead calf died this morning. He's been without his mother two weeks.

This is horrible, but if Bundy followed the law like many of the other ranchers do, maybe this calf would still be alive. As he started to describe the calf's tongue, CNN covered up the calf with a graphic

Bundy: Let me lay the calf down.

Cuomo: Yea, that's probably a good idea given that its a little early and a lot of families are watching, Mr. Bundy, so we don't want to upset them too much.

Bundy: You know, well they oughtta be upset. And what's wrong with America, they can't even stand a dead calf?

Yea America, you wussies! Did the feds neuter you so well that you can't stand to see dead things in the morning?

This is Bizarro land.

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