Dana Loesch: Cliven Bundy Just Needs A Little Media Training
It has nothing to do with being a racist!
Conservatives talkers will go to extraordinary measures to try and justify their positions and here's a prime example of this.
Cliven Bundy has been at the center of the news lately over his zealous anti-government positions and his refusal to pay fines to the BLM. As we know, he's lost a few court battles already, but still refuses to comply and he also has no "Ancestral Rights' claims on the land since his family didn't obtain it until 1948. He's also aligned himself with far right militia groups like the Oath Keepers as a way to spark a conflict with the feds so The NY Times dug a little deeper into what this man believes and as nice as he is to illegal immigrants, but he's incredibly offensive to African Americans. That should tell you something right there. Anyway, Dana Loesch, ex-Brietbarter found a new way to defend the Posse Comitatus like rancher.
A few things. First, to take the quote at face value it’s odd and sounds offensive. You’re talking about government overreach and you go into this story? Secondly, I hope no one is surprised that an old man rancher isn’t media trained to express himself perfectly.
He seems to be decrying what big government has done to the black family — which big government has negatively affected not just the black family, but all families regardless of ethnicity — so perhaps he included that in his remarks against big government?
How could media training possibly help him to rephrase this?
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
To Cliven, being a slave and learning to pick cotton is the best life for blacks in America, Nuff, said right there. So Dana, the fact that he's a racist doesn't weaken his case because he already has no case to begin with. He's wrong about his personal gripes with the BLM and he's also a racist.
Please continue to make a fool of yourself trying to protect a man who's been breaking the law for decades and who has a belief system that puts him squarely in line with a 12 Years A Slave mentality.