Donald Sterling Says He Will Not Be Forced To Sell LA Clippers By The NBA

Fox News Sports analyst Jim Grey Told Bill O'Reilly that he talked to Donald Sterling before Adam Silver gave him a lifetime ban and he will not be forced to sell the team.

Fox News Sports analyst Jim Grey Told Bill O'Reilly that he talked to Donald Sterling before Adam Silver meted out his lifetime ban punishment for the racist remarks he made to his former girlfriend that were taped and said he will not sell the team. While Grey was describing how the owners could force Donald Sterling to sell the team he said this:

Grey: A three quarter vote by the Board of Governors, by the teams that are in the NBA. If he doesn't comply they can start making all of his players free agents. The bottom line here is that they can make it so miserable, ostracize him, put him as a pariah that he is and it will be impossible for him to operate. They don't have to schedule preseason games, no one will play him. it's going to be very, very difficult for him to continue and it looks like they are going to.

I spoke to Donald Sterling before his punishment, Bill and he said he's not selling the team and he's not going to be forced to sell the team.

If Sterling stays true to his words to Grey and will not be forced to sell then we are looking at a long court battle if the NBA owners vote to make him sell the franchise which he must do. I hope he does the right thing by the fans, but that's not in Sterling's DNA.

Stay tuned.

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