Gingrich: Unlimited Campaign Spending Equalizes Middle Class And Billionaires

Newt Gingrich took to the airwaves to try and convince us all that unlimited campaign donations somehow 'equalizes' things between the middle class and rich folks.

This is why television makes you stupid.

Yesterday on This Week, Jon Karl sat there while utter nonsense flew out of Newt Gingrich's mouth and across the airwaves without giving Newt so much as a sideeye.

During a discussion about the horrible McCutcheon v. FEC decision, Newt endorsed He Should Be Impeached, Justice Thomas, by saying "The next step is the one Clarence Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas cited -- candidates should be allowed to take unlimited amounts of money from anybody. And you would, overnight, equalize the middle class and the rich."

Whoa, let's step back there, cowboy and run that one by me again? How exactly is it that giving billionaires and corporations the right to spend unlimited amounts of money equalizes anything?

I've tried to understand what he's talking about here, but I keep coming up with nothing, because it's just bullshit. I expect that kind of stupid from Newt, but that should never, ever have gone past without someone calling him on it.

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