GOP House Leader Pulls Column From Disgusting New Breitbart Website

Andrew Breitbart was more of a provocateur than anything else and his form of extremism is still shining through on his Breitbart websites.


Extremism is what extremism does.-John Amato

Andrew Breitbart was more of a provocateur than anything else and his form of extremism is still shining through on his Breitbart websites. Breitbart.com just opened up a California branch of their far right ideology and used some very nasty graphics to toast its launch. WELCOME TO BREITBART CALIFORNIA

If you check out the graphics they posted you will understand why Nancy Pelosi was furious.

Asked about the image following a news conference, Pelosi (D-Calif.) responded: "So tasteless, that .. I mean, is it even worthy of a question. It's so undignified."

Apparently Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) agreed with Nancy Pelosi and took action against Breitbart California:

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sided on Monday with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) over Breitbart News, requesting that his column be pulled from the news outlet's new California website.

Democrats called the website, which featured sexually suggestive images of Pelosi, "foul, offensive and disrespectful to all women." They urged Republican leaders to condemn the site. McCarthy seems to have obliged.

“We didn’t condone them,” Matt Sparks, a McCarthy spokesman, told the Los Angeles Times, about the images. “We thought it was the right thing to do to ask for the column to be removed.”

"The images are inappropriate," another spokesman, Mike Long, told ABC News.
Prior to Breitbart California's launch, McCarthy expressed enthusiasm about the venture.

Breitbart issued a lame defense for their actions here.

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