Jennifer Gratz Hates Affirmative Action, Loves Wingnut Welfare

For more than a decade, Jennifer Gratz has depended on the kindness of right wing organizations opposed to affirmative action. Working for doing nothing? Sounds great.

Via Breitbart Unmasked:

Last week, the Roberts Court added to its reputation as the most activist Supreme Court in American history by upholding a Michigan ballot initiative that bans Affirmative Action in higher education. This weekend, Fox News Sunday trotted out Jennifer Gratz, CEO and Founder of the XIV Foundation, to tell their audience that Justice Sonia Sotomayor was guilty of ‘unbecoming behavior’ for daring to dissent from the decision. Things got heated when civil rights attorney Shanta Driver called the decision “racist:

Gratz was shocked that someone would describe an Affirmative Action ban as “racist...

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