Megyn Kelly Shuts Down Dana Loesch From Attacking Harry Reid On Race

Megyn Kelly wasn't going to let Dana Loesch play the "both sides do it" game, for once. Good for her.

Earlier today I wrote a post about Dana Loesch's ridiculous defense of Cliven Bundy's racist rant. She said that he's an old man who could use a little media training next time.

A few things. First, to take the quote at face value it’s odd and sounds offensive. You’re talking about government overreach and you go into this story? Secondly, I hope no one is surprised that an old man rancher isn’t media trained to express himself perfectly.

He seems to be decrying what big government has done to the black family — which big government has negatively affected not just the black family, but all families regardless of ethnicity — so perhaps he included that in his remarks against big government?

Her remarks got a lot of attention for their ignorance and later in the evening Megyn Kelly invited her on her Fox News show to discuss not her embarrassing defense of Bundy, but why Harry Reid seems to be throwing fuel onto the Cliven barn fire by calling Bundy and the militias defending his ranch, "domestic terrorists," and later saying Bundy is a "hateful racist."

Right from the top Kelly stated that Cliven Bundy is wrong and doesn't have the law on his side, so good for her, but this segment never broached that topic which is what Loesch has been arguing against. Instead she read Harry Reid's statements about the Bundy situation and asks Dana, first to comment on Bundy's racist rant and secondly on Reid's comments.

Loesch: It was a bigoted remark, period. There is no way in no context for anyone to put this to make any kind of sense.

Funny, but that's exactly what she did today when she defended Bundy on her website. She tried to make sense of it by saying he only needed a few PR training sessions which would have shielded him from making racist claims. But she's on another show and her previous words shouldn't cut it.

And then Loesch used sophistry in its highest order by playing the "both sides do it," game by equating Harry Reid's quotes in the book Game Change, to the bigoted, hateful and insane rant Bundy went off on and Megyn Kelly stopped her cold from doing that immediately.

Loesch: Harry Reid's response to it, it strikes me as he doesn't like the fact that someone else has said something that he said previously. He's made similar remarks about the president and had to apologize for it and he should have...

Kelly: (interrupts her) Let's just, but let me stop you there because I don't want the viewers to walk away with the wrong impression. What he said about Barack Obama was that he was going to be a successful politician, he said because he's light skinned African American and with no "negro dialect."

Loesch: Right

Kelly: He ultimately apologized for that and that apology was accepted. So it was not the same as what Cliven Bundy said.

Dana dropped it and moved on, but there's a reason why she's on The Blaze now. The things she wrote and said about Bundy are perfectly in line with Glenn Beck's viewers who are completely outside of the normal mainstream. Dana is good at the false equivalency game. Reid made some statements that were inartful and kind of ridiculous, but Bundy was wondering if blacks had a better life and more freedoms being slaves. The only common link there was the word "Negro."

Kelly shut down her stupidity immediately.

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