Milbank On Planet Denial: No Rebirth Of The Militia Movement
As Bundy Ranch militia friends enjoyed a barbeque with live music from Sarah Palin's show band, Dana Milbank reassured viewers not to worry, nothing to see here.
Dana Milbank needs to get out more, or turn around and look for where he might have left his memory. His remarks about domestic terrorism, militias, and how Bundy Ranch represents neither were out-of-tune and stupid.
Here's some wisdom for him from an actual resident of Nevada who has a longer memory than the last tweet. Desert Beacon:
If nothing more, we should have learned the definition of Domestic Terrorism as set forth in 18 U.S. Code 2331:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.[...]
When is a “protester” a “domestic terrorist?” Do people armed with rifles and handguns facing off against government officials and agents create a situation “dangerous to human life, in violation of criminal laws?” What usually happens when someone brandishes a firearm before an officer of the law?
Did members of that crowd “of hundreds” seek to intimidate, coerce? Of course they did — that’s why they were there, to coerce the federal officials from implementing federal land use policy.
The problem with hyper-sensitive thin skinned (albeit mostly white skinned) conservative ‘protesters’ is that when criticized for radical behavior, behavior which stimulates the warrior fantasies of delusional individuals, they whine loudly that they are being “attacked.” They are defending Freedom (read their own self interest), and the American Way of Life (read white and disgruntled). Here’s a hint: If you are aiming a firearm at a BLM encampment, you are not ‘defending America.’ If you are standing in your phony camo-costume armed and disrupting law enforcement officials, you are not ‘protesting.’ You are — a domestic terrorist.
For Milbank to say this isn't the rebirth of the militia movement suggests that a) it died; and b) it hasn't revived.
Both are false. Militias don't operate above ground during Republican presidencies. They are the tool of the fascist, intended to keep people fearful and angry in times where progress is happening. During Democratic administrations, they rise up like spectres in the night, dancing their voodoo and loading their guns and ammo.
Enough incidents of domestic terrorism have taken place that the Senate held a hearing about it in 2012. In that hearing, former Department of Homeland Security official Daryl Johnson said this:
The threat of domestic terrorism motivated by extremist ideologies is often dismissed and overlooked in the national media and within the U.S. government. Yet we are currently seeing an upsurge in domestic non-Islamic extremist activity, specifically from violent right-wing extremists. While violent left-wing attacks were more prevalent in the 1970s, today the bulk of violent domestic activity emanates from the right wing.
Daryl Johnson is a former DHS official because he was driven out after the report on right-wing extremism was leaked in 2009.
It is irresponsible for media -- whether Fox News or MSNBC -- to paint Cliven Bundy and his militia pals as some frustrated, aggravated good old-fashioned Americans who just want to let their cattle eat. When Bundy complains about snipers, no one seems to be bothered enough by the Oathkeepers stationed on the bridge with high-powered rifles and BLM agents in their sights to contradict what is now becoming common wisdom. It is the absolute responsibility of media to accurately describe who and what these people are.
Had Milbank lived up to his responsibility, he would have said the exact opposite of what he did.
Since he couldn't be bothered to upset anyone, I'm going to say it for him. Yes, Cliven Bundy and his pals are domestic terrorists, and the militias gathered there are extreme and dangerous. The militia movement is not dead, it's alive and well, as you'll see in a few posts to come.
Let's pretend the Occupy protesters had rifles and assault weapons. You suppose they'd be called ordinary citizens who were just a little bit angry?
Cliven Bundy is a moocher and a lawbreaker. His pals are right-wing domestic terrorists. That's all anyone needs to know.