More Interviewers Should Ask Sharyl Attkisson About Her Anti-vaccination ‘Reporting’
Benghazi isn't the only factual disaster Sharyl Attkisson promotes.
Via Breitbart Unmasked:
Sharyl Attkisson, the Benghazi truther criticized by Media Matters for her role in pushing various right wing hoaxes at CBS News, has been doing the punditry circuit to shore up her tattered reputation with nonspecific charges of liberal bias. Her conspiracy theory about her reduced airtime in recent years got the endorsement of the John Birch Society, but she was tripped up yesterday by Mika Brzezinki, who applied her own experience at CBS to debunk Attkisson’s narrative.
Brzezinski stays on Attkisson to give specifics, asking her “If you’re not saying, at this point, w...