New Paul Ryan Budget Same As The Old: Cut Medicare & Starve The Poors

Why the Beltway media would ever consider Paul Ryan as a credible individual on helping the poor in this country is beyond me.

Paul Ryan released his new budget proposal and as usual, his economic ideas would work like the Ebola virus on the working class. Ryan recently opined that Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty had failed and he promised to attack the problem. And I bet you were wondering what ever happened to his promise to tackle poverty?

Why the Beltway media would ever consider him as credible individual on helping the poors in this country is beyond me.

Andrew Taylor:

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan unveiled an updated Republican budget plan Tuesday that would slash $5.1 trillion in federal spending over coming decade and promises to balance the government's books with wide-ranging cuts in programs like food stamps and government-paid health care for the poor and working class.

Ryan's plan would also cut Pell Grants for low-income students and pensions for federal workers, while steering away from cuts to benefits for senior citizens, at least in the short term. The proposal would reprise a voucher-like Medicare program for future retirees that would be the basis for GOP claims that the measure would drive down government debt over the long term. It also relies on scorekeeping help from the Congressional Budget Office, reflecting the beneficial effects of deficit cuts on long-term economic growth and tax revenues.

The plan should skate through the Budget Committee on Wednesday but faces challenges on the floor next week since it endorses a bipartisan pact — negotiated by Ryan and Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray, D-Wash., in December — to increase agency operating budgets this year and next.

Many conservatives who opposed the pact last year would have to reverse course and embrace them as part of the GOP budget. Democrats who helped pass the Ryan-Murray pact in December will oppose the GOP plan.

Think Progress has a great rundown on how Ryan's budget will destroy Medicare and put a hurtin' on our senior citizens.

Digby, as usual understands what lurks behind these mad men as they play the long con game and look to destroy our social safety nets in her piece called: Paul Ryan's Long March.

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