Pat Robertson Tells Viewer Wife Withholding Sex Probably 'Molested As Child'

Listen, if you ask Pat Robertson for marriage counseling, you deserve whatever you get.

Listen, if you have to ask Pat Robertson for marriage counseling, you deserve whatever you get. A viewer named Jason, who said he's been married or a few years and is frustrated that his wife isn't having regular sex with him, reached out to the saintly one and here's what he got in response.

I don't know what's wrong with your wife, whether she's got some psychological problem, whether she was molested as a child. You can go into all that stuff.

[...] She really wants intimacy because she's flirting with you, she wants to be attractive and have you take an advantage, err, pay attention to her, but at the same time she doesn't want to come together and consummate the marriage. That's grounds for divorce.

She must be either molested or crazy, Jason. Pick your poison.

Right Wing Watch:

Pat Robertson told a 700 Club viewer today that he has “grounds for divorce” because his wife is not having sex with him regularly, speculating that she was “molested as a child” and needs serious psychological counseling. The viewer told Robertson that he has “only been intimate with my wife a handful of times” and that “she has no interest in the bedroom,” adding: “I believe the Bible says withholding sex is wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex and wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.

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