Religious Right Demands RNC Rule Out Sin City For 2016 GOP Convention

The Religious Right are demanding that the GOP should shun Las Vegas as the host of the 2016 Convention because the hookers and card sharks are too much of a temptation and they are weak.

The Religious Right continues to embarrass themselves in the political world, but that's never fazed them before. This time they are freaking out that Las Vegas is the odds on favorite to host the 2016 Convention and they are worried that Sin City, with its hookers and card sharks, is too much of a temptation and will corrupt them.

Religious conservatives are urging the GOP to scratch Sin City off its list of potential locations for the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Dallas Morning News reports. According to the paper, advocates are concerned that Las Vegas' reputation as a gambling and prostitution haven will discourage conservatives from attending the event and that the city is a "trap waiting to ensnare" convention attendees.

The GOP is supposedly interested in reaching out to conservatives and evangelicals. Maybe that’s just a front, but if they really mean it this is not the way to do it," James Dobson, founder of Family Talk, a Christian radio show that broadcasts across the United States, told the paper. "Even though Vegas has tried to shore itself up and call itself family-friendly, it’s still a metaphor for decadence. There's still 64 pages of escort services in the Yellow Pages."

Dobson, along with leaders of the American Family Association, Eagle Forum, the Traditional Values Coalition, and Family-PAC sent a letter to Republican chairman Reince Priebus warning him to choose another destination.

I thought James Dobson retired from politics to teach corporal punishment to his followers, but you can't keep a good wingnut down.

Corporal punishment, when used lovingly and properly, is beneficial to a child because it is in harmony with nature itself.

Beating the sh*t out of your kids with a smile on your face is as natural as sunshine in the morning.

How does Dobson know there are 64 pages of escort services in the Yellow Pages? Who uses the Yellow Pages anymore?

Even Erick Erickson is not happy, either.

That is not the only reason the Republicans would be pretty stupid to go to Vegas for their 2016 convention. At every opportunity the left has decided to fight the GOP by using amateur and professional acquired video of embarrassing moments. Along with moments that could be viewed as hypocrisy, the left and its friends in the media will run story after story about wild and crazy nights in Vegas at the RNC. Good Christian delegates getting drunk, gambling, stuffing dollar bills in strippers’ g-strings, etc. will be the toast of not just MSNBC, but the front page of the New York Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, the Huffington Post, and more.

If these supposed Christians in the Republican party are as solid as they say they are in their religious beliefs, EE and James Dobson have nothing to worry about. They should be able to go anyplace in this country without fear of boozing and sexing it up.

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