Sean Hannity Calls Nun A 'Communist' For Speaking Out Against Paul Ryan's Budget

When Sean Hannity learned that Sister Simone Campbell criticized Paul Ryan's budget for hurting the poor, he called her a '"communist."

Sister Simone Campbell, who just released a new book called: A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community, joined Sean Hannity's "Power of Faith" segment on Fox News and when Sean learned that the sister criticized Paul Ryan's budget for hurting the poor, he called her a '"communist."

Sister Campbell is part of the Nuns On A Bus tour that toured the country speaking out against the ills of Ryan's budget:

American nuns are taking their opposition of the proposed Paul Ryan budget to the American people and embarking on a bus tour through some of America’s most politically important states.

NETWORK, a group founded by 47 Catholic sisters that speaks out on social justice issues in particular, will be hitting states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia in order to reveal “how federal budget cuts proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan, (R-WI), and passed by the House of Representatives.

She took a lot of heat for standing up for the least of us. Bill O'Reilly berated her on his show and other nutty conservative talk show clowns even wanted to "pistol whip" her.

The conservative Catholic priest Jonathan Morris, who's also a product of the Legion Of Christ sect, which was made up of sex criminals, was also part of the panel and he was egging on Hannity to attack the sister.

There's a lot of ways to serve the Lord.

Campbell:....but the key to that is community. the fact is you cannot just... washing your own feet is not sufficient.

I know.

Campbell: How do we serve each other?

Hannity: I agree with that. Whoever is great among you should be your servant. That was a very different mentality at the time when he was on earth, right?

Morris: Absolutely. You know another little miracle that is going on right here this set? Sister is Nuns On the Bus, which is probably very politically different than I would and we're all talking about Jesus.

Campbell: Absolutely.

Hannity: What do you mean Nuns on the Bus, I don't get it.

Campbell: Well, the bus we did and what the book's about my bus is about is trying to lift up the needs of low income families in our nation and the fact that we the people in the Untied states are missing it.

Hannity: I think that's a great idea.

Morris: Going after Paul Ryan's budget

Campbell: There was Paul Ryan's budget, that was the big thing.

Hannity: Oh, so you're a communist.

No, no.

Hannity: I actually think the church is too liberal on a lot of things and on other areas I would surprise. I think priests should be able to marry. That's a pretty liberal position.

Morris: What about nuns being able to marry?

Hannity: Go for it.

Morris is a condescending jerk as you can see here. After Hannity agrees with her mission, he disavows her purpose because she's against an insane budget proposal made by Paul Ryan, by calling her a communist.

He then tries to show you how modern he is after all by wanting priests to marry. Hannity and Father Morris are made for each other.

By the way, here's a few tidbits on how Ryan's budget would hurt the poor, in case you've forgotten them.

Ryan would cut $770 billion over 10 years from Medicaid and other health programs for the poor, compared with President Obama’s budget. He takes an additional $205 billion from Medicare, $1.6 trillion from the Obama health-care legislation and $1.9 trillion from a category simply labeled “other mandatory.” Pressed to explain this magic asterisk, Ryan allowed that the bulk of those “other mandatory” cuts come from food stamps, welfare, federal employee pensions and support for farmers.

Taken together, Ryan would cut spending on such programs by $5.3 trillion, much of which currently goes to the have-nots. He would then give that money to America’s haves: some $4.3 trillion in tax cuts, compared with current policies, according to Citizens for Tax Justice.

Ryan’s justification was straight out of Dickens. He wants to improve the moral fiber of the poor. There is, he told the audience at the conservative American Enterprise Institute later Tuesday, an “insidious moral tipping point, and I think the president is accelerating this.” Too many Americans, he said, are receiving more from the government than they pay in taxes.

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